Biden and Xi Meeting: What to Expect Next Month

Biden and Xi Meeting

In a world characterized by complex geopolitical dynamics, the possibility of US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping meeting next month marks a significant moment in international diplomacy.

This potential rendezvous follows the recent visit of China’s top diplomat, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, to the White House.

While the meeting between the two leaders is yet to be officially confirmed, speculations suggest that it may occur at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco in November, where global leaders converge to discuss crucial matters.

A Step Toward Diplomacy

Although the White House has not released an official statement confirming the Biden-Xi meeting, the recent high-level discussions between China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan indicate a willingness to work together.

These discussions were part of Wang’s three-day visit to Washington, D.C., which included meetings with President Biden and other high-ranking US officials, such as Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Striving for a Stable Relationship

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing did not immediately confirm Wang’s visit, but it acknowledged the ongoing discussions between the two nations.

During his meetings, Wang emphasized China’s commitment to improving and stabilizing its relationship with the United States based on the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, as reported by Chinese state media. These sentiments were echoed in his meeting with Secretary Blinken.

Geopolitical Challenges

Beyond discussing the potential meeting, Wang and Sullivan had a multitude of geopolitical issues to address. These topics ranged from the Israel-Hamas conflict to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the upcoming presidential election in Taiwan.

China has asserted its neutrality in the Ukraine conflict, yet it faces accusations of supporting Russia’s economy in the face of Western sanctions.

In the Middle East, observers hope that China can play a more conciliatory role due to its strong ties with Israel and Arab states. The United States, while arming both Israel and Ukraine, has traditionally sought to broker peace agreements between Palestine and Israel.

The ongoing tensions in Gaza pose an opportunity for both nations to work together to de-escalate the situation, a point highlighted in President Biden’s meeting with Wang Yi.

A Glimmer of Hope for Bilateral Relations

The United States has expressed interest in improving bilateral relations, emphasizing the need for “guardrails” to prevent disagreements from escalating into military conflicts.

Relations between the two nations had soured during the administration of former President Donald Trump, who initiated a trade war with China.

Tensions persisted into President Biden’s term, spanning issues from Hong Kong and Taiwan to alleged espionage concerns and semiconductor sanctions.

Nevertheless, meetings between President Xi and US officials, such as Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, suggest a potential shift toward more constructive dialogue and cooperation.

Navigating Regional Disputes

Despite these diplomatic efforts, tensions persist, particularly in the South China Sea. The United States has accused China’s air force of engaging in dangerous and aggressive maneuvers during its flights over the region.

Recent near-collisions between a US B-52 bomber and a Chinese J-11 jet have raised alarm bells. During his meeting with Wang Yi, President Biden called on China to de-escalate its behavior toward the Philippines, a US treaty ally whose fishing fleet and coast guard vessels regularly face harassment by China in the disputed waters of the South China Sea.

While the United States and China may be working in tandem to address Middle East conflicts, their differences over Taiwan remain pronounced.

Taiwan, a self-ruled democracy claimed by China as its own territory, is set to hold elections in early January.

This event typically elicits a strong response from Beijing, which has historically employed various tactics, including online misinformation campaigns and military exercises in the Taiwan Strait, as a reminder of its territorial claims.

The potential for military conflict between China and Taiwan raises the specter of US involvement, as the United States has pledged to assist Taiwan in defending its democracy.


The prospect of a meeting between President Biden and President Xi presents an opportunity to address and mitigate the complex geopolitical issues facing the United States and China.

While challenges remain, recent high-level talks and diplomatic efforts suggest a willingness to find common ground and build a more stable relationship.

The world will be watching closely as these two global giants navigate their differences and strive for peaceful coexistence in an ever-changing international landscape.


1. Is the meeting between President Biden and President Xi confirmed?

As of now, the meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping has not been officially confirmed. It is widely speculated that the two leaders may convene at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco in November.

2. What were the key discussions during the visit of China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi to the US?

During Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to the United States, there were discussions on improving and stabilizing the US-China relationship based on the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. They also addressed various geopolitical challenges, including the Israel-Hamas conflict, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the upcoming presidential election in Taiwan.

3. How have US-China relations evolved in recent years?

US-China relations have experienced fluctuations in recent years. During the Trump administration, a trade war was initiated, leading to strained relations. Tensions have persisted into President Biden’s term, covering issues ranging from Hong Kong and Taiwan to allegations of espionage and semiconductor sanctions. However, recent meetings between top officials suggest a potential shift toward constructive dialogue and cooperation.

4. What is the significance of the potential Biden-Xi meeting for global diplomacy?

A potential meeting between President Biden and President Xi holds significant importance for global diplomacy. It presents an opportunity for these two major world powers to address and mitigate complex geopolitical issues. The outcome of their discussions could have far-reaching implications for international relations and peace.

5. What are the main points of contention in US-China relations, and how are they being addressed?

Main points of contention in US-China relations include issues in the South China Sea, trade disputes, human rights concerns, and differing stances on Taiwan. Efforts are being made to address these issues through high-level dialogues and a commitment to improving bilateral relations based on mutual respect and cooperation, as articulated during the recent talks between Wang Yi and US officials. However, challenges persist in navigating these contentious areas.

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